Webinar and Dialogue on “Managing Climate Change in Post COVID-19 Nigeria: Policy Options for Low-carbon Climate-resilient Development” 

Event Information



Resource and Environmental Policy Research Centre
Event type

The Resource and Environmental Policy Research Centre (REPRC), Environment for Development (EfD) Nigeria, University of Nigeria Nsukka held a policy seminar and dialogue on Managing Climate Change in Post COVID-19 Nigeria: Policy Options for Low-carbon Climate-resilient Development (see concept note attached). 

The policy seminar and dialogue was hosted in collaboration with  the Federal Ministry of Environment (FME) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The activity is on Friday, 14 August 2020, Time: 10h00 – 13h00 hours (GMT+1).  

The seminar brought  together some policy makers, leading experts and practitioners to brainstorm on the policy options for facilitating low-carbon climate resilient development in Nigeria. The expected outcome of the policy seminar and dialogue would  be a policy brief to guide the Ministry of Environment and Nigeria government in facilitating low-carbon climate-resilient development post COVID-19. The ultimate outcome will be a low-carbon climate resilient development plan for Nigeria.


Event | 18 August 2020