WCERE Pre-conference Workshop for women in Environmental Economics

Event Information



Susanna Olai
Event type

EfD is arranging a pre-conference workshop for women in Environmental Economics, ahead of the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (WCERE) 2018 in Gothenburg.  The purpose is to support and encourage early career women pursuing careers in the domain of EfD, which is environmental economics applied to policy questions in developing countries, especially in countries with EfD centers. 

EfD and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) will provide travel grants for up to 20 women who are based in low, lower middle and upper middle income countries[1] and are early in their careers (students planning to pursue a PhD, PhD students, or post docs) to take part in this workshop and the WCERE conference. Women based in high-income countries are also welcome to apply, but travel grants are unlikely to be available for this group. We are looking for women interested in quantitative social sciences, not necessarily only economists. We strongly encourage junior scholars, even without a paper accepted into WCERE, to apply to participate in this workshop.

The workshop will be held June 23-25, 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden, prior to the WCERE conference on June 25-29, 2018. Participants should plan to arrive by 23 June to join the group for afternoon activities and a welcome dinner that evening. Workshop leaders include Pamela JaggerErin Sills and Jo Albers. To apply, please submit your application via the WCERE website http://www.eaere.org/form/travel-grant-2018.


  1. Current CV of max 2 pages.
  2. A brief statement (1 page) that outlines:
  1. Your research interests and why you would like to take part in the workshop;
  2. What challenges women in economics or academia more generally face in your country;
  3. Description of prior involvement (if any) with CEEPA, EEPSEA, LACEEP, SANDEE, or EfD; and
  4. Title, list of authors of paper submitted to WCERE 2018 (if submitted).
    3. Two references (name, title, workplace, email and phone number only).

Deadline for application: 28 February 2018 23:59 PST.

Longer term, EfD aims to increase diversity in research by supporting and encouraging women in the early stages of their careers to continue, and become leaders, in academia and other research institutions. This workshop is just the first step toward establishing a platform to offer support and formal mentorship, and to discuss and identify obstacles and solutions to increased involvement of women in analytical research about environmental and poverty policy.

For questions about the workshop, please contact EfD program manager Susanna Olai (susanna.olai@gu.se). 

[1] https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519


Event | 1 February 2018