Policy Workshop on Circular Economy

Training Workshop on Circular Economy

Event Information

Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
Event type

The training workshop on implementing Circular Economy at provincial level in Viet Nam is designed to provide the local officials from different provinces in the Southern part in Viet Nam with valuable training and knowledge to enhance their understanding of circular economy and improve their capabilities in policy making and decision, particularly after the issuance of the National Action Plan on implementation of circular economy.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to
- To define and explain the concept and principles of circular economy
- To apply and assess the current state and readiness of circular economy in the provinces in Viet Nam
- To discuss and evaluate the opportunities and challenges for implementing circular economy at provincial level
- To learn the best practices and recommendations


- Legal framework and policy on circular economy in Vietnam

- The global context of Circular Economy and the importance of local government for Circular Economy

- Orientation and recommendations for implementing circular economy in the Southern region

- Methods and indicators for measuring circular economy

- Methods for selecting priority sectors for implementing circular economy at provincial level


- Representative of relevant local authorities, departments in the provinces in the Southern region
- Representative of related universities, research institutes, and relevant experts in the Southern region
- Representative from MONRE, ISPONRE

The workshop is organized by the the Institute of Strategy and Policy, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, hosted by Environment for Development Center in Vietnam.

Event | 24 January 2024