Third Annual Conference of the Green Growth Knowledge

Event Information

University of Venice

The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) is pleased to announce its Third Annual Conference on the theme of "Fiscal Policies and the Green Economy Transition: Generating Knowledge – Creating Impact". The conference will be held on the premises of the University of Venice from 29 through 30 January 2015. 

The event is hosted in partnership with the University of Venice, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The GGKP was established by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), UNEP and the World Bank. 

Call for Abstracts - Deadline 15 September 2014

GGKP welcomes the submission of abstracts for policy-relevant papers on fiscal instruments and green economy. Selected abstracts will be invited for paper presentation at the conference. The best young researcher paper and the best overall paper will be recognized with awards at the conference. Please see information for abstract submission here.

The conference will draw together the world’s leading researchers, experts and policy makers to jointly assess the efficacy, geographical applicability and policy implications of various fiscal instruments in the transition to a green economy. 

Fiscal instruments, such as environmental taxes, pollution charges, subsidies for green technologies, green budgeting, and tax incentives can play a crucial role in promoting a green economy by creating needed fiscal space while limiting environmental externalities. The key to successful implementation and political acceptance of fiscal instruments hinges on effective complementary measures, in particular, addressing distributional impacts. 

The conference aims to explore cutting-edge research, identify lessons learned, and promote innovative thinking around fiscal policy, as well as to identify knowledge gaps to catalyse further applied research. 

The conference will include a mix of plenary and parallel sessions in which policy makers, experts and researchers will analyse new research surrounding fiscal measures and examine their policy implications. The sessions will engage participants in jointly debating the most effective means of introducing and implementing green fiscal measures in various national contexts.

For a pdf of the announcement press here.

Event | 31 August 2014