Invitation to a 2-day National Workshop on Natural Capital Accounting

Event Information

Sandralia Hotel, Solomon Lar Way, Jabi, Abuja, Nigeria


Dr Nnaemeka Chukwuone
Event type


Despite Nigeria’s rich natural resources and her dependence on extraction of these resources, they are neither captured in the financial calculation of Nigeria’s wealth nor are they explicitly considered as assets in national planning with the risk that natural capital is degraded overtime thereby losing the benefits to the economy. To facilitate the generation of specific Natural Capital Accounts (NCA) based on the priority areas identified during the development of a roadmap for NCA in Nigeria, the Federal Ministry of Environment in collaboration with the Resource and Environmental Policy Research Centre (REPRC), University of Nigeria Nsukka, Environment for Development (EfD) Nigeria,   with the support of the World Bank, is holding a 2-day workshop on NCA.


The workshop (a follow-up workshop to the one held in December 2020)  aims to sensitize the stakeholders on NCA, train some technical staff of key ministries and agencies, and create an expert/technical group that will facilitate the development of different accounts for Nigeria. During the workshop, the technical staff will be trained on NCA. Also, the team will present a draft of greenhouse gas emission, the forest account (stock) and energy accounts to the stakeholders.  The workshop is scheduled to hold on the 30th and 31st of August 2021.The theme is “Towards Natural Capital Account (NCA) for Nigeria” 


Event | 23 August 2021