
EfD AI in education – updates and mini-workshop

Event Information



Erik Sterner
Event type

EfD will run a live webinar on September 26 titled “EfD AI in education updates and mini-workshop - focusing on improving learning and saving time for teachers by Erik Sterner.

Erik Sterner is dedicated to developing education, communication, and research in these areas. He works at EfD as a researcher, educational developer, communicator, and teacher (and AI experimenter). Previously, he compared different climate drivers (gases and particles) using "simple" climate models (2011-2015), but after his licentiate thesis, his strong interest in education and communication about his research directed towards these areas.

Join the meeting

Meeting ID: 389 945 852 692

Passcode: 3eYG88

More details will be sent a week before the webinar.

In the meantime, do reach out to Erik at if you have any questions regarding this seminar

We hope to see and engage with you during the session!


Event | 5 September 2024