Carbon markets: Forecasting impacts and policy directions from Ho Chi Minh City

Event Information

UEH University, 59C Nguyen Dinh Chieu, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Policy Seminar on "Carbon Market: Forecasting Impacts and Policy Orientation from Ho Chi Minh City"

The event aims to create a platform for policy dialogue for stakeholders, including researchers, government agencies, businesses, and non-governmental organizations. The main objectives of the seminar include:

- Sharing and presenting the expected challenges that businesses and government agencies will face when the carbon market starts operating in Ho Chi Minh City.
- Assessing the policy opportunities that carbon brings to businesses and the community, and identifying ways to take advantage of these benefits.
- Creating opportunities for participating groups, including businesses, researchers, and regulators to provide feedback on specific aspects of carbon market policy and management.
- Identifying issues that need further research to build a database and scientific evidence on the carbon market in Ho Chi Minh City.
- Developing a research roadmap to address the challenges and opportunities.
- Shaping solutions and strategies to ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of the policy in the context of Ho Chi Minh City.

Time: 8:30 - 11:30 AM, Thursday, February 29, 2024.
Venue: University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, 59C Nguyen Dinh Chieu, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.


- Mandatory carbon market in Vietnam: impacts and policy implications for businesses in Ho Chi Minh City

- Voluntary carbon market: policies to promote supply and demand for carbon credits in Ho Chi Minh City

- Cross-border carbon tax: impacts and policy potential for Ho Chi Minh City

- Discussion and debate

- Announcement of the special issue call for papers of the Journal of Asian Economics and Business, themed "Carbon Market: Policy, Pricing and Environment"

Event | 28 February 2024