Call for papers:Early-career Behavioral Economics Conference Bergen, 20-21 June 2018

Event Information

Event type

On June 20-21, 2018, the Early-Career Behavioral Economics (ECBE) Conference will take place in Bergen, Norway. 

Following the success of the ECBE Conferences in 2015, 2016 and 2017,  the 4th Early-Career Behavioral Economics Conference will take place in Bergen on 20-21 of June, 2018. The conference will be hosted and sponsored by the new Centre of Excellence FAIR - The Choice Lab at NHH Norwegian School of Economics. 


The goal of this conference is to provide a platform for researchers who are at an early stage of their academic career to present their research and receive feedback from their peers. The conference seeks to promote the development of a community of early-career behavioral economics researchers. Bertil Tungodden (NHH) and Alexander Cappelen (NHH) will be keynote speakers. While we invite submissions on all topics within the field of behavioral economics, for this year's conference, we especially encourage researchers to submit papers using behavioral insights covering topics related to fairness, inequality, and rationality. 


Any early-career behavioral economist is invited to apply. This includes graduate students, Post-Doctoral researchers, and Assistant Professors who received their Ph.D. after Spring 2013. We will select 20 applicants to present papers, and 20 additional applicants to serve as discussants. 


There is no conference fee. Conference meals will be covered for invited participants. In cases where financial assistance is not available from a researcher’s university, hotel and economy class travel expenses will be reimbursed for presenters and discussants (up to $1400 for travel from North America and up to $400 for travel from Europe except Bergen).  

How to Apply                                                              

To apply, please follow this link and complete the application by December 15, 2017. In the online form, you will be asked to upload a pdf document which contains (1) an abbreviated CV (max. 3 pages) and (2) the paper you wish to present. Extended abstracts will notbe considered. Please merge these files in the specified order into a single pdf that does not exceed 16 MB with your name as the file name (e.g., LastFirst). If financial assistance is needed, please indicate this in the online application form. The organizing committee and external reviewers will review the submissions and select the participants in collaboration with Bertil Tungodden (NHH) and Alexander Cappelen (NHH). Selected participants will be notified by the end of March. For more information, please contact

Event | 20 September 2017