Accelerating Climate Action through Science and Policy: The Work, Activities and Findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Significance and Implications for Africa

Event Information



Jonathan Lynn
Event type

Two virtual outreach events take place on 26 May (in French) and 27 May (in English) 2021. They are organized by the United Nations University’s Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) and the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) via its African Science Technology and Innovation Priority Setting program (ASP) which engages African stakeholders to identify priorities that, if addressed, offer the highest return on investment with the participation of speakers from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  

The main aim will be to present the key messages of the three most recent IPCC special reports (Global Warming of 1.5°C, Climate Change and Land, and the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate) with a focus on Africa.  The events will also raise awareness about the work of the IPCC and provide updates on the preparations for the upcoming Sixth Assessment Report. They will further aim to stimulate contributions to the future activities of the IPCC by providing information on the IPCC processes. The event will also highlight also some of the climate work research coming out from Africa that could potentially inform future IPCC reports. The information presented at both events will be the same, with the one on 26 May conducted in French and the one on 27 May in English (without simultaneous interpretation). 
If interested, please save the date/s in your calendars, and share the information with your networks. The details about how to follow these events virtually will be sent in due course. 
To know more about these events and to see the provisional schedule, please check the respective web pages where we will post relevant information. For details about the event on 26 May, please click here and for 27 May here.

For more information, please contact Jonathan Lynn ( at IPCC  with cc to Nina Peeva (,  Qondi Moyo (  at UNU-INRA, Eva Kiragu ( at AAS.

Event | 18 May 2021