The 7th Annual Meeting of the Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative

Event Information

Monkey Valley, just outside Cape Town, South Africa


Karin Jonson
Event type

The EfD initiative is committed to produce high quality research and active international research interaction. This is achieved by creating an environment where discussions can take place openly, where research results can be constructively criticized, and where feedback is generated. One important strategy that the initiative is using to achieve this is to promote research interactions through research meetings such as the annual meetings.

The EfD annual meeting is therefore a forum to bring together researchers from EfD centers and their collaborators and other key stakeholders for exchange of research ideas and discussion of research proposals and results from EfD research projects.

The seventh EfD annual meeting will be held at Monkey Valley, just outside Cape Town, South Africa from October 24-27, 2013.

Read more about the meeting


Event | 14 August 2013