Terror, climate and war in Syria

Looking out of the window I see a Paris bathed in sunshine on this warm winter Sunday. But the headlines talk of bathing in blood. This blog post will be about art school, climate science, statistics and the politics of terror. Each of us must struggle to find balance in life.

Climate and Anthropocene at the Collège de France

Most Swedes know that our country was covered by ice during the ice-ages – latest some 20 000 years ago. We know this because our lands are still “rebounding” like a spring – or a sponge - that has been compressed (except that this goes on for thousands of years). It is just a few mm per year but it gives a feeling for how mighty the forces of nature are.

That must have been a heavy load of ice! In fact when I fly in to Gothenburg I look down and think that a third of that distance was ice… Still I never compared this to Antarctica. 

100 Environment for Development researchers in Shanghai

EfD just celebrated its 9th annual conference in Shanghai. We had wonderful lectures from prominent lecturers like Siqi Zheng (Professor Tsinghua University), Dick Morgenstern (Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future) and E Somanathan (Professor, Indian Statistical Institute). I feel proud we can attract such great minds and so many enthusiastic young researchers from all across the world.

Because we so badly need consensus

Wednesday Evening 9th April Berlin. 

We just decided to prolong the extra evening session from 7 PM to 10 PM and then to 1 AM. Towards midnight the room is looking empty with only 150 people present but the Japanese delegation has seven people. Many are in “contact groups” consisting of authors and country delegates trying to agree on issues that have held up the plenary for hours earlier during the week.

Thomas Sterner: Report from IPCC

Sunday 6th April.
60 people have been sitting from 8.00 AM to 11 PM in the Estrel Hotel. These 60 are the CLAs (Coordinating Lead Authors) and some Lead Authors and the Cochairs and the staff of the Technical Support Unit.  So far it is “practice”, we have been going through our Summary For Policymakers (SPM). This is the document that is to be agreed, line by line with the governments of the world in the Approval Session.