Kigundu, Kenneth
Kenneth Kigundu Macharia is a Kenyan national. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Nairobi. He also holds an MSc. Economics and a BSc. Economics and Statistics, First Class Honors, from Chuka University, Kenya. Ken is also a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (CPA-K). His areas of interest are mainly in the application of microeconomics and econometrics in a range of areas including energy, productivity and efficiency analysis, environment and natural resources, and gender. Ken is also well equipped with skills in conducting field surveys, both in managing the surveys and qualitative and quantitative data analysis. He is well equipped with a wide range of statistical and econometric soft wares, among them being STATA, R, NLogit, SPSS, and E-Views.
Ken has a long experience in teaching and research. He is currently a full-time Economics Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences at Chuka University where he teaches several courses among them, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Environmental Economics, Production Economics, Econometrics, and Development Economics. As a researcher, Ken is also a network member of the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC). Ken has published in reputable peer-reviewed journals such as the Energy Policy Journal. He also served as a 2023 World Bank- African Economics Research Consortium (AERC) visiting scholar in Washington D.C.
Ken has a passion for contributing to the development of solutions to address the problems currently faced by society.