Academic title
+255 (0)767221511

Kauky , Monica

Monica Sebastian Kauky is a Lecturer at the Department of Geography and Economics at the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) a constituent of the University of Dar, es Salaam.  She has a Master Degree awarded 2012 and in 2022 was awarded Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Dar es Salaam. Dr. Kauky is also a Reviewer of the Tanzania Economic Review Journal, The African Review and the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Research interest

Dr. Kauky investigates how agricultural marketing influences dietary diversity and nutrition outcomes among young children. By analyzing the role of marketing strategies, she sheds light on improving food security and health. Her research examines the impact of CSA on farm productivity and food security among smallholder rural farmers. Understanding the effectiveness of climate-smart practices contributes to sustainable agriculture. Dr. Kauky explores how unexpected shocks (such as economic downturns or natural disasters) affect nutrition, schooling, and labor market outcomes for children. This research informs policies to build resilience in vulnerable households.

Currently, she investigates the correlation between climate-smart agricultural practices and post-harvest loss in rural households. Additionally, she studies the effects of household cooking energy choices on children’s health. Dr. Monica S. Kauky’s multifaceted research contributes to creating a better understanding of economic development, sustainability, and well-being.



Supervisor, 3+ master’s dissertation. Participated in committees of 10+ dissertation  and above 20+ Undergraduate students.


Grants and consultancy

  • Consultancy services for scoping Study/Needs Assessment on Current Demand for Sexual and Reproductive Health among adolescent Girls and young women in Tanzania, CAMFED, Tanzania, 2024.
  • Effects of Maternal education on Childhood Malnutrition in Tanzania. The World Bank, 2023.
  • AERC Research Grants (2019-2021)
  • Assessing the impact of Rewards on Children’s Academic Achievements in Tanzania, ESRF- Tanzania, 2022.
  • Climate Smart agriculture and Food Security in Tanzania.  UDSM, 2021.


Policy Engagement

Agricultural Marketing Policies and Household Dietary Diversity and Nutrition in Tanzania,  African Economic Research Consortium(AERC).



  • P3-Africa/UDSM Post-Doctoral Fellowship,                         2024/2025
  • AERC-World Bank Visiting Fellowship Award,       2023
  • AERC PhD Thesis Awards,                            2019
  • PhD Scholarship Award- AERC,                              2017
  • SIDA Master’s Degree Awards                                  2010
People | 9 July 2024