CATIE is an international entity with a unique combination of science, graduate education and innovation for development. Its bases are well-grounded and there is a clear action plan for creating professionals with a distinct perspective who can also contribute to the sustainable growth of the communities. 

The mission of CATIE is to:

"Increase sustainable and inclusive human  well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting education, research and outreach for the sustainable management of agriculture and conservation of natural resources". 

The vision is:

"To be an excellent international land-grant of university specialized in agriculture and natural resources that effectively integrates education, research and outreach in alliance with multiple partners and countries through a solid regional scientific platform". 

CATIE is the hosting institution of the EfD-Central America Center since 2007. 

To know more about it please use the link: CATIE 

Contact information

Costa Rica
(506) 25582000