Francisco Alpizar candidate for AERE

Francisco Alpizar, Coordinator of the Environment for Development in Central America, is one of the candidates for Association Of Environmental Resource Economists
(AERE) Board Members. The deadline to vote will be December 1, 2010.

"It is exciting and important when non-US researchers, for instance from Latin America, get some voice in associations like the AERE. Therefore I strongly support Francisco Alpízar’s  candidacy", says Professor Thomas Sterner, Chair of the EfD research Committee and EfD Research Fellow.

Francisco Alpizar is Coordinator of and Research Fellow at the EfD Center at the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), a leading multilateral research institute based in Costa Rica.

Alpízar’s  professional service focuses on building capacity in developing countries to conduct high quality research in environmental and resource economics. Alpizar is the founder, and until 2010 was Director, of the Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program (LACEEP), for which he now serves as Deputy Director and Chairman of the Scientific Committee.

All 2010 AERE members are eligible to participate in this year's election of AERE officers and Board members.

The slate of candidates for AERE Board Members is:1.      Francisco Alpizar2.      Patricia Champ3.      Stephen Hamilton4.      Andrew Plantinga

The biographical sketches for all candidates can be accessed through the AERE website (please see AERE 2010 Election at right):

News | 20 October 2010