EEU Seminar with Moritz Drupp

For this EEU Seminar the presenter will be Moritz Drupp Moritz is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Economics, esp. Environmental Economics, at the Department of Economics, University of Hamburg…

Date: Monday 26 February — Monday 26 February, 2024
Location: E44

Blame it on the rain: Rainfall variability, consumption smoothing, and subjective well‐being in rural Ethiopia

Submitted by Mark Senanu Ku… on

AbstractHow does income uncertainty affect individual well‐being? Combining individual‐level panel data from rural Ethiopia with high‐resolution meteorological data, we estimate that mean‐preserving increases in rainfall variability are associated with reductions in objective consumption and subjective well‐being. Mediation analysis suggests that the estimated reduction in consumption does not fully explain the total effect on individual well‐being. Increased rainfall variability also has a large direct effect on individual well‐being.

Climate Change

The gendered effects of climate change: Evidence from droughts in rural India

Submitted by Ishita Datta on

In contrast to previous research, which suggests that women's employment rises during negative household income shocks in low-income economies, the findings in this study, reveal that, despite an increased likelihood of seeking work due to aggregate income shocks, women's employment may not rise if their labor mobility is constrained. Moreover, the impact of climatic shocks may be enduring. The cross-sectional analysis indicates that gender disparities in non-farm employment and migration are more pronounced in villages exposed to higher risks from rainfall variability.

Climate Change, Gender

Tree diversity in a tropical agricultural-forest mosaic landscape in Honduras

Submitted by Marianela Arguello on
EfD Authors:

AbstractBiodiversity decline in the tropics requires the implementation of comprehensive landscape management where agricultural systems are necessarily an integral element of biodiversity conservation. This study evaluates the potential for taxonomic biodiversity conservation within an intensive livestock-agricultural-forest mosaic landscape in Catacamas, Honduras. Tree sampling was performed in 448 plots set up within different forest and agricultural land uses: secondary forests, agroforestry coffee plantations, agriculture, pastures, live fences and riparian forest.

Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Forestry

Does Green Infrastructure Work? Precipitation, Protected Areas, Floods and Landslides

Submitted by Marianela Arguello on

We use monthly municipality data for the period 2000-2015 in Guatemala and monthly district data for the period 1992-2019 in Costa Rica. We define relevant catchment areas using water flows to the population centers of the administrative units. Then, we calculate the precipitation inside and outside Pas within the relevant catchment areas, and test how the frequency of floods and landslides is affected by whether rain falls inside or outside PAs. We use a two-way fixed-effects panel data model. For Guatemala, we find no robust statistically significant effects on these types of disasters.

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Forestry, Land