Bioremediation Strategy Based on Risk Assessment of Exposure to Residual Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Submitted by Nnaemeka Chukwuone on

In this study, application of risk assessment was the basis for the selection of an optimum treatment option for the potential bioremediation of a hydrocarbon polluted environment. This approach was applied in a hydrocarbon polluted swampy terrain in the Niger Delta of Nigeria and could actually be applied to any other hydrocarbon polluted environment.


Bayesian analysis of demand for urban green space: A contingent valuation of developing a new urban park

Submitted by Michelle Blanc… on
EfD Authors:

Recreational opportunities and amenities are important human-use services generated by urban open spaces. However, empirical evidences on the magnitude of monetary values of these services are hardly available, in fact anecdotal if any, in developing countries. In this research, using contingent valuation methods (CVM), we estimated the recreational value of developing urban park in Kampala city.

Land, Urban

Mining for Change: Natural Resources and Industry in Africa

Submitted by Vicentia Quartey on

Forr a growing number of countries in Africa the discovery and exploitation of natural resources is a great opportunity, but one accompanied by considerable risks. Countries dependent on oil, gas, and mining have tended to have weaker long-run growth, higher rates of poverty, and greater income inequality than less resource-abundant economies. For these resource producing economies relative prices make it more difficult to diversify into activities outside of the resource sector, limiting structural change. 


Geospatial distribution of soil organic carbon and soil pH within the cocoa agroecological zones of Ghana

Submitted by Vicentia Quartey on
EfD Authors:


  • A new spatial pattern of soil organic carbon and soil pH for the cocoa districts and agroecological zones of Ghana.
  • Unsuitably low cocoa soil organic and strong acidity.
  • A loss of soil organic carbon in a pattern that reflects historic boom-bust cycle of cocoa hot and cold spots transitions.
  • Homogeneity of soil organic carbon is moderate within a longer range than soil pH.
    Agriculture, Land