Displaying 501 - 510 of 3669 publications

Abstract One reason carbon prices are difficult to implement is that they might impose high costs on poor and vulnerable households. In response, studies often highlight that recycling revenues…

| Discussion Paper |

Abstract While carbon pricing, in general, and carbon taxes, in particular, are popular with economists, they are subject to considerable misunderstanding among policymakers and the public. In this…

| Discussion Paper |

Objectives. To describe the prevalence of and risk factors for workplace violence among Ugandan adolescents.Methods. The analysis focused on adolescents recruited at primary schools who participated...

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

Agricultural commercialization is expected to enhance a wide array of household welfare indicators, notably, nutrition. Using LSMS-ISA survey data for Uganda, this paper examines the channels through...

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

Experiencing an extreme weather event and its consequences might make the risks associated with climate change more tangible, easier to evaluate, and more salient. Consequently, those experiences…

| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub

The public acceptability of a policy is an important issue in democracies, in particular for anti-COVID-19 policies, which require the adherence of the population to be applicable and efficient…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

We investigate the problem of choosing environmental regulations to control a multilateral, spatially heterogeneous pollution externality. There are three sources of inefficiency in this problem; the…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

What would motivate people to pay more for electricity generated by renewable energy sources?

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

Forest ecosystem services are critical for human well-being as well as functioning and growth of economies. However, despite the growing demand for these services, they are hardly given due…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Kenya