Displaying 3641 - 3650 of 3667 publications

Data on the burden of disease, costs of illness, and cost-effectiveness of vaccines are needed to facilitate the use of available anti-typhoid vaccines in developing countries. This one-year…

| Peer Reviewed |

The demand function for vaccines against typhoid fever was estimated using stated preference data collected from a random sample of 1065 households in Hue, Vietnam, in 2002. These are the first…

| Peer Reviewed |

This paper examines the implications for Egypt and Sudan of the development of Blue Nile water resources by Ethiopia. The long-term development program produced between 1958 and 1963 by the Ethiopian…

| Peer Reviewed |

Increasing world demands for water call for new institutions and rules to minimize economic and political conflicts. Growing water quality problems from industry and agriculture only further…

| Books |

The use of increasing block water tariffs is widespread throughout developing countries. An increasing block tariff (IBT) is a price structure in which a commodity is priced at a low initial rate up…

| Peer Reviewed |

How Egypt and Ethiopia will defend or promote their interests in the Nile basin has recently become clearer. Egypt will again seek to create “facts on the ground,” this time a large new land…

| Peer Reviewed |

We exploited very detailed data on deforestation and roads investments over time to provide estimates of spatial spillovers from road investments in the Brazilian Amazon. Understanding the impact of…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America

This paper discusses whether quick fixes for environmental problems is part of the solution, or part of the problem. HUMANITY IS increasingly confronted with rapidly emerging large-scale environmental…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

A fishery run as a perfect monopoly seeking to maximize its profits over time, and secure in its monopoly rights, will try to maximize the present value of its economic rents or profits over time. To…

| Report | South Africa

We use firm-level data to study the adoption of Environmental Management Practices (EMPs) in the most polluting industrial sectors in Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia during…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden