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Displaying 71 - 80 of 411 publications

This brief is based on results from the study Impact of energy access on food security and child nutrition: panel data evidence from rural Ethiopia, EfD Discussion Paper 22-11, June 2022, by Tagel…

| Research Brief | Ethiopia

Stakeholder pressure is among the pathways through which firms are being prodded to adopt environmental management practices. Owing to research paucity from the context of developing countries and…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

This study assesses key barriers to offshore wind power (OWP) development in Vietnam and policy options for the development of the sector. A survey of 39 experts from government agencies, research…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

Abstract Long-term capacity cycles in electricity markets are a challenge to policy makers, bringing instability in energy prices, and jeopardizing security of supply. There is evidence of capacity…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Expanding access to clean cooking fuels is an important driver of sustainable development goal (SDG) 7, which is to ensure universal access to affordable and clean energy. Ghana is among 20 countries...

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Southeast Asian countries should focus on bilateral power purchase agreements and large-scale investments in solar and wind power to boost regional electricity trade

| Policy Brief | Vietnam

This paper investigates the uncertainty-dependent and sign-dependent effects of the oil market fundamental shocks, namely supply, aggregate demand and oil-specific demand shocks. We do so by first…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

Abstract This paper replicates and extends the study by Martey (2019) by investigating the effect of house ownership patterns and rental status on energy choices for lighting and cooking within the…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Ghana, Global Hub