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Displaying 281 - 290 of 411 publications

The objective of the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All initiative (SE4All) is to provide electricity by 2030 to the 1.1 billion people in developing countries that hitherto lack access. The…

| Peer Reviewed |

Analysis of the unconditional impacts of foreign direct inflows (FDIs) and industrialization on energy intensity does not show the hidden roles of some economic conditions such as income and trade…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana, Global Hub

Discussions between policymakers about renewable energy have gained momentum in recent years, amid growing recognition of the need for more investment in green energy sources. The question is whether…

| Other Publications | South Africa

Two-thirds of Indian households and four out of five rural households use solid fuels for cooking. Household air pollution from these fuels accounted for over a million premature deaths in 2010. Our…

| Peer Reviewed |

The Economics and Environment for Development Program (EEfD) carry out a review of policy relevant documents and countries initiatives on environment and development topics in Central America. The…

| Policy Brief | Central America

Based on a household survey in western ethnical minority areas of Gansu and Yunnan province, this paper first describes rural households’energy consumption pattern, and further investigates the…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This is a chapter in a book entitled “ Bioenergies in East Africa between challenges and opportunities” Edited by Marco Setti, Daria Zizzola 2016. The issues of high costs, rapid depletion of fossil…

| Book Chapter | Ethiopia

This is a chapter in a book entitled “ Bioenergies in East Africa between challenges and opportunities” Edited by Marco Setti, Daria Zizzola, 2016. This paper analyzes the economics of biodiesel…

| Book Chapter | Ethiopia, Global Hub

This paper uses three rounds of a rich panel data set to investigate the determinants of household cooking fuel choice and energy transition in urban Ethiopia. It is observed that the expected energy…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Ethiopia, Global Hub

Coal has fueled China’s fast growth in the last decades, but it also severely pollutes the air and causes many health issues. The magnitude of the health damage caused by air pollution depends on the…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China