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Displaying 221 - 230 of 256 publications

Using an experimental approach, we investigate the risk preferences of artisanal fishermen in Tanzania waters of Lake Victoria. The experiment concerns pairwise comparisons of hypothetical fishing…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Tanzania

Namibia’s main linefish species, the kob, is subject to age-specific fishing mortalities that differ for the two fisheries (commercial linefishing vessels and recreational anglers) exploiting it. The…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

This paper reviews the impact of articles published in the Marine Resource Economics (MRE) and within the field of fisheries economics in general over the period 1954–2004. Specific attention is given…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

This report forms just one part of an integrated research effort on the BCLME fisheries being carried out by “The Consortium”. It is anticipated that, as the rest of the BCLME projects advance, new…

| Report | South Africa

Eishers are risk-averse according to most empirical studies, while expected-utility theory predicts risk neutrality even for sizable stakes. We test this prediction using data from a stated-choice…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

We present a model of fishers’ gear choice, which allows for heterogeneity both in production technology and risk preferences and apply it on a panel of Swedish trawlers. Stochastic revenue functions…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The water tariffs currently in use in most cities in South Asia are not accomplishing their principal objectives. They are not generating sufficient revenues to ensure that utilities can recover their…

| Peer Reviewed |

The results from a survey of Swedish commercial fishers on regulation compliance and attitudes to control and restrictions are reported. According to the responding fishers, 90% of all Swedish catches…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Parameter values for the von Bertalanffy growth model are estimated for Nephrops norvegicus in the Skagerrak on the Swedish west coast using analysis of length frequency distribution from commercial…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

For centuries resource economists have persistently debated and discussed the potential of the green economy and how it should be protected and used sustainably. Most studies to date on the economic…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana