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Displaying 161 - 170 of 256 publications

This article presents a decision-making model based on situations that are typically encountered in fisheries management when setting the total allowable quota. The model allows assessing the…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

In this study we analyzed price determination throughout the Chilean hake market chain. To analyze the relationship between different prices which participate in this chain, a VECM model was…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

We study through framed field economic experiment the effects of exogenous changes in abundance levels of a renewable natural resource on compliance individual decisions of users operating under a…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

The adoption of proven fish production management practices portends many economics and social implications. Interview schedule was employed to generate primary data from 146 respondents in the four…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

The effect of social capital on the economic performance of artisanal fishermen organizations that work under a Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURF) system was tested using the social networks…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Namibia's fishing industry is managed using a system of fishing rights and individual fishing quotas. This property rights system was intended to encourage the local fishing industry to exploit the…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

Marine resources have failed to escape the "tragedy of the commons" posed by Hardin (1968). The globalization of economic activity because of trade liberalization is usually pointed as one the factors…

| Thesis MSC | Chile

Small-scale fishing constitutes the main source of marine products and a central component of local livelihoods for poor families in coastal areas of Costa Rica. This country has been defining marine…

| Research Brief | Central America

We analyzed the reduction in exportation levels of the enterprises which have been working with the Chilean Atlantic Salmon, following the outbreak of ISA virus (ISAv) in 2007. We used a Duration…

| Thesis MSC | Chile

A bio-socio-economic model was developed to analyze the economic and environmental interactions between the aquaculture activity and artisanal fisheries related to the seed settlement of Mytilus…

| Thesis MSC | Chile