Displaying 3341 - 3350 of 3669 publications

Technological change in production processes with gendered division of labor across tasks, such as agriculture, can have a differential impact on women's and men's labor. Using exogenous variation in…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Climate change has increased rainfall uncertainty, leading to greater production risks in agriculture. We examine the gender-differentiated labor impacts of droughts using unique individual-level…

| Peer Reviewed | India

We highlight the role of home productivity and social norms in explaining the gender gap in labor force participation (LFP), and the non-monotonic relationship of women's LFP with their education in…

| Peer Reviewed | India

We examine the association between studying science in higher secondary school and labor market earnings in India. Studying science in high school is associated with 22% greater earnings than studying…

| Peer Reviewed | India

We examine the association between studying science in higher secondary school and labor market earnings in India. Studying science in high school is associated with 22% greater earnings than studying…

| Peer Reviewed | India

The effect of announcing future institutional change is investigated in three different contexts: a gains frame, a loss frame, and a loss frame with risk. The institutional change is the transition...

| Book Chapter | South Africa

Contractual relationships regarding land tenure in agriculture are diverse. From formal systems such as landowner and fixed rent, sharecropping emerges as an alternative in which the owner of the land…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

•Estimates tree cover restoration potential in croplands, pasturelands, and degraded forestlands.
•Identifies potentially impacted populations in tropical countries by land use type...

| Peer Reviewed | China, Central America