Displaying 3621 - 3630 of 3667 publications

The authors estimated the deforestation impact of Costa Rica’s pioneering environmental services payments program (Pagos por Servicios Ambientales, or PSA) between 2000 and 2005. Despite finding that…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Central America

When the Stern Review challenged the conventional wisdom and called for strong and immediate action on climate change, reactions were initially fierce. However, the ensuing debate has shown a new…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Current conservation debates place high emphasis on the need to integrate the views and needs of local communities in conservation processes. Understanding local community perceptions of forest…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

This brief is a summary of the main outcomes of a forest policy workshop on “Policies to increase forest cover in Ethiopia” held on 18-19 September 2007 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The workshop was…

| Policy Brief | Ethiopia

A promising concept that has received considerable attention, Payment-for-ecosystems- services has the potential to become a conventional environmental management tool. Forests and farms supply a wide…

| Report | Central America

Proceedings of a policy workshop on Policies to increase forest cover in Ethiopia held on 18-19 September 2007 at Global Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia This workshop was first conceived as His…

| Report | Ethiopia, Tanzania, Global Hub

In this study we identify the determinants of the participation rural households in the land rental market in Kenya. On the basis of rural households from Laikiapia district, we test a number of…

| Discussion Paper | Kenya

Livelihoods in low-income developing countries are generally undiversified and focus on crop production and animal raising. These activities are inherently risky and investment and production…

| Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

This is a book chapter in Plantations, Privatization, Poverty and Power: Changing Ownership and Management of State Forests, edited by M. Garforth and J. Mayers. Earthscan: London.

| Books | China

In this study Kenya’s energy sector was overviewed for the period 1971-2004. The relation between total energy and total carbon dioxide emission was studied. Emissions of carbon dioxide from the…

| Discussion Paper | Kenya