Displaying 3331 - 3340 of 3669 publications

Free trade has led to extreme specialization, e.g., most of the world's supply of APIs for medicine come from China, critical software and microchips come from the US, etc. Therefore, a lockdown in…

| Book Chapter | India

Many school children in ethnically diverse countries live in multilingual environments where the medium of instruction in school differs from their mother tongue. We conduct a field experiment in a…

| Peer Reviewed | India

In the context of marine species declines in data-limited regions, local ecological knowledge (LEK) is a valuable source of information on species ecology and historical trends. LEK can also help…

| Peer Reviewed | India

The global output of food staples is far more stable than most individual nations' outputs, but does this lead to consumption risk sharing? This paper applies tools from the risk sharing literature to…

| Peer Reviewed |

This analysis looks at how Appalachian coal mining responds to restrictions in coal production from the Western US. An unexpected reduction in the ability to move coal from the Powder River Basin (PRB…

| Peer Reviewed |

We study credit contracts under a life-cycle setting where time-inconsistent agents lack the internal commitment to stick to consumption plans and external commitment to repaying loans. With…

| Peer Reviewed |

The rich literature on Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG)-type pensions provides a notion that when pension return is dominated by the market return, generally it is impossible to phase pension out without hurting…

| Peer Reviewed |

We model an economy where present biased preferences affect the bequest leaving decisions. Using Bequest in the Utility (BIU) setup, we show that the optimal inheritance tax rate under present bias…

| Peer Reviewed |

The previous conclusion that a uniform lump-sum estate tax could implicitly provide annuity income was reached by ignoring the inheritance that agents receive. However, when the agents leave a bequest…

| Peer Reviewed |

Intellectual disability in India is substantially under-reported, especially amongst females. This study quantifies the prevalence and gender bias in household reporting of intellectual disability by…

| Peer Reviewed | India