Displaying 371 - 380 of 408 publications

Abstract: In this paper, we conduct a high stake experiment in rural China to investigate the determinants of individual and joint decisions regarding intertemporal choices, and estimate the relative…

| Discussion Paper | China, Sweden

Abstract: We examine whether and to what extent joint choices are more or less patient and time - consistent than individual choices in households. We use data from an artefactual field experiment…

| Discussion Paper | China, Sweden

Abstract: We augment a standard dictator game to investigate how preferences for an environmental project relate to willingness to limit others’ choices. We explore this issue by distinguishing three…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden

The PhD program Global Change and Climate Economics (formerly environmental and climate economics) started in a modest way already in 1991. Since then Sida has supported 30 PhD’s from start to…

| Report | Sweden

In this paper we analyze the effects of environmental policies on the size distribution of firms. We model a stationary industry where the observed size distribution is a solution to the profit…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden

We introduce a model of strategic environmental policy where two firms compete á la Cournot in a third market under the presence of multiple pollutants. Two types of pollutants are introduced, a local…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden

We study the optimal and equilibrium distribution of industrial and residential land in a given region. The trade-off between the agglomeration and dispersion forces, in the form of pollution from…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden

The joint EfD Report 2013/14 showcases the work undertaken by the Environment for Development Initiative. Please access the report to find out more about our research projects, policy interaction…

| Report | Central America, Chile, China, Sweden, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania

This report presents the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD), its members and work during 2012/13. For a free hardcopy, please send an email to: The EfD is initiated…

| Report | Central America, China, Sweden, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania

Concerns for environmental quality and its impact on people's welfare are fundamental arguments for the adoption of environmental legislation in most countries. In this paper, we analyze the…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden