EfD researcher comments on Tanzania´s fisheries governance in This day

Dr Lokina coordinator of EfD in Tanzania was interviewed by the daily paper This day, to comment on the strategies on strengthen fisheries governance and legal frameworks to eliminate illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in the sub regional states of the Indian Ocean.

His views went together with the observation made by the Tanzania Minister for Livestock Development and Fisheries John Magufuli, who declare that despite the high potential in fisheries resources in the marine waters of Tanzania, the country has benefited little from the sub sector because of illegalities.

The illegalities are mainly due to illegal unregulated and unreported fishing practiced by unscrupulous distant fishing vessels in the Exclusive Economic Zone in Tanzania (EEZ).

Some of the vessels owners have registered their vessels under flag of convenience in order to conceal their fishing history, in addition other vessels have proper nationalities but operate in a very irresponsible manner partly because their fishing operations are highly subsidized by their governments.

This interview came at a time where one ship vessel was captured with more than 70 tones of fish, fished illegally in the offshore of Tanzania Indian Ocean.

Link to This day scanned page

News | 13 March 2009