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+56 41 268 6899
EfD Center

Ponce, Roberto

Roberto D. Ponce Oliva is Associate Professor at the School of Business and Economics of the Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) in Concepción. Chile. He obtained his PhD (2013) in Science and Management of Climate Change from the Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Department of Economics. Currently he is associated researcher at the Applied Ecology and Sustainability Center (CAPES, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), the Millennium Scientific Nucleus for the Study of Multiple Forces in Marine Socio-Ecological Systems (MUSELS, Universidad de Concepción), and he is research fellow at the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD) . His research focuses on the area of climate change economics, specifically on the economic estimation of the agricultural water demand, integrated models for river basin management, and economic valuation of ecosystem services. Mostly using coupled economic-environmental models, he is interested in the trade-offs across agents in the context of resource scarcity/variability.

People | 26 January 2020