Lopez Feldman, Alejandro

Alejandro López-Feldman is an EfD Research Fellow and the Director of Research at EfD. Before moving to EfD he was a Professor of Economics at Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) and he is an Honorary Professor at Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. He has a Master's (2003) and a Ph.D. (2006) in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of California at Davis.

Alejandro is Associate Editor for the journals Climatic Change, Environment and Development Economics, and Latin American Economic Review.

Research interests

Alejandro’s main research areas are Environment and Development Economics. In his research, he has analyzed the role that agriculture and natural resources play in the well-being of rural households. He has also looked at the effect that migration and remittances have on rural household livelihoods and their relationship with their natural surroundings. He is currently involved in research on the impacts of climate change on rural households, as well as on the effects that air pollution and deforestation have on human health. 


Chair 10+ master's and more than thirty undergraduate theses. Participated in committees of 60+ theses, including a Ph.D. in Public Policy and a Ph.D. in Development Economics.

Grants and consultancy

  • Poverty and Social Impact for Covid-19 Environment and Urban Development for a More Resilient Recovery. The World Bank, 2020.
  • CONACYT research grant (2017-2019)
  • Assessing the impacts on the welfare of the Forest Investment Program in Mexico. The World Bank, 2018-2019.
  • Quality Assessment of IDBs Impact Evaluations. Inter-American Development Bank, 2017.
  • Climate change policy in Mexico. UNDP, 2017.
  • Methodological revision of the economic analysis of Mexico’s Low Emissions Development Strategy. World Wildlife Fund, 2012.

Policy engagement

  • Member of the Advisory Board of Mexico’s Committee to Evaluate the National Climate Change Policy (INECC). 2015-2019; 2020-2023.
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Mexico’s Inter-Secretarial Commission on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (CIBIOGEM). 2010-2013.


  • Outstanding Teaching Award, 2012, 2017. CIDE
  • Fulbright Visiting Scholar, 2015-1016.
  • Honorary mention in Banamex prize for best research in Economics, 2011. Banamex.
  • Victor L. Urquidi Prize for Best Research in Economics, 2011, COLMEX.

Profile on Repec
Twitter @lopezfeldman.

Curriculum vitae

People | 8 November 2021